PSC Chair James Brown Looking For a New Job Amid Historic Utility Rate Increase

Tuesday, January 24, 2024



Helena, MT – The Public Service Commission affirmed yesterday its approval of a 28% rate hike for NorthWestern Energy customers. Now, PSC Chair James Brown is jumping ship with his eyes set on a new political endeavor.

Brown announced last week he’s running to be Montana’s next state auditor, which begs the question – can Montanans really trust someone who’s only record is raising rates and sticking customers with higher bills?

In 2022, Brown lost resoundingly to incumbent Justice Ingrid Gustafson for a seat on the Montana Supreme Court. Perennial candidate Brown proved himself to be woefully underqualified for the job, despite Republicans attempting to politicize a nonpartisan race.

Brown worked as a lawyer and political operative for a dark money group that wreaked havoc on Montana elections prior to his time in office.

“The more Montanans learn about James Brown, the more they know they can’t trust him representing their best interests in any elected office,” said Sheila Hogan, Executive Director of the Montana Democratic Party. “His shady political past and cozy relationships with out-of-state corporations and special interest groups should disqualify him from public office.”



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