Under One Month from Election Day, the Republican Civil War Shows No Signs of Cooling Off

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Under One Month from Election Day, the Republican Civil War Shows No Signs of Cooling Off

Attorney General Tim Fox continues to pummel Gianforte for being out-of-touch with Montana values

Helena, MT –  A month from today, Montana Republicans will have selected their gubernatorial nominee, but the increasingly heated gubernatorial primary between Greg Gianforte and Tim Fox leaves serious doubts that the party will be able to unite behind a candidate come November. Fox continues to slam Gianforte for dirty campaign tactics, and “avoiding public appearances and sinking more than $1 million of his own money into the campaign”.

In a recent interview, Attorney General Tim Fox pointed out that Gianforte, whose estimated net worth is nearly $200 million is “highly disconnected to Montana voters.” This comes just days after Fox publicly accused Gianforte of calling one of Fox’s supporters, and encouraging him to stop supporting Fox because he has cancer. The Tim Fox supporter described this sort of dirty electioneering as, “a very ‘Eastern Politics’ approach and certainly not the Montana way.”

“Gianforte has been accused by his rivals of insider trading, using the Attorney General’s cancer diagnoses to garner votes, and trying to buy our votes,” said MDP Executive Director Sandi Luckey. “As the Republican primary continues to devolve, it doesn’t seem possible that the eventual nominee will be able to unify the party or attract Independent voters looking for honest leadership.”



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