Rosendale Silent as His Endorsers Back Government Shutdown, Oppose Funding for Montanans’ Health Care, Veterans

Helena – Wealthy real estate developer Matt Rosendale has been silent since his biggest backers opposed the bipartisan budget deal that strengthens funding for our military, veterans, critical wildfire mitigation, and funds CHIP for an additional four years and gives Montana’s community health centers the certainty they need to continue to serve Montanans.

Two weeks ago, Maryland Matt was quick to make noise when Sen. Tester fought to ensure a better budget for Montana and long-term funding for Montana’s 40 community health centers and satellite clinics that serve more than 100,000 Montanans across the state.

Strangely, Rosendale has been silent as Sens. Mike Lee and Rand Paul – whose endorsements he proudly touts – both voted this morning for a government shutdown and against funding CHIP and ensuring 24,000 kids in Montana have access to health care for the next ten years.

Rosendale has also been silent even as the Club for Growth, another endorser, came out strongly against the bipartisan budget deal and said they would be scoring the vote for sitting members of Congress.

Rosendale is no stranger to supporting policies that hurt Montana. He supported shutting the government down in 2013 just to rip health care from millions of Americans. Maybe that’s why he seemingly doesn’t mind that Paul is the reason why the government shutdown last night.

Montana voters deserve to know: does Matt Rosendale stand with his endorsers and support the government shutdown that would have tremendously negative impacts to critical funding for our military, health care, wildfire mitigation, veterans, and community health centers?



Rosendale Favors Government Shutdown Over Bipartisan Budget Deal for Montana that Funds Military, VA, Health Care


Rosendale Voted Against Strengthening Montana’s Community Health Centers