Great Falls Tribune: Lawsuit Pushed by Greg Gianforte “could jeopardize health care in Montana”

Friday, October 30, 2020


Great Falls Tribune: Lawsuit Pushed by Greg Gianforte “could jeopardize health care in Montana”

Gianforte supports “a lawsuit that will overturn the Affordable Care Act…which could lead to further attacks on the health care system.”

Helena, MT – Democratic candidate for governor Mike Cooney slammed his opponent, New Jersey multimillionaire Greg Gianforte yesterday for supporting the lawsuit aimed at overturning the Affordable Care Act and stripping health care coverage from more than 1-in-10 Montanans and removing protections for folks with pre-existing conditions – during a pandemic.

According to the Great Falls Tribune, the timing of the lawsuit, which will be heard on Nov. 10, is “especially poor” because “nearly 30,000 Montanans have tested positive for COVID-19, which he said was a pre-existing condition insurance companies could use to deny them coverage if the ACA is overturned.”

Cooney also said that Montana’s access to quality affordable health care is in jeopardy before the Supreme Court, and called it “unthinkable” that Gianforte wants it struck down during a pandemic, the Tribune wrote.

“The last thing Montanans need during a deadly pandemic is to lose access to their health care coverage – but that’s exactly what Greg Gianforte and his allies in Washington DC are trying to do,” said MDP Deputy Communications Director Matt Fidel. “Instead of trying to strip health care away and remove protections for folks with pre-existing conditions, Greg Gianforte should finally join Mike Cooney in calling on all Montanans to wear a mask, practice social distancing, and take this virus seriously.” 



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A Cameo – Is there GianforTAX on that?