Montanans Call Out Shady Sheehy

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


“Sheehy’s exaggeration, deception and misinformation go on and on.”

Helena, MT –  Montanans don’t trust Shady Sheehy. 

In new letters to the editor, Montanans across the state are raising their concerns about whether they can “trust [Sheehy’s] judgment” amid Sheehy’s mounting list of lies, pointing out that “Sheehy’s exaggeration, deception and misinformation go on and on.” 

Read more below:

Belgrade News: 'Go back home' to Minnesota
May 15, 2024
John Heilman

  • A quick look at [Tim Sheehy’s] business practices shows a shady side.

  • It looks like he cannot successfully manage his own business, even when the people of Gallatin County helped him with municipal bond funds. Yet his man wants us to trust his judgment, to trust him to represent the interests of a broad spectrum of Montana citizens, to take care of our money.

  • No, Tim needs to go back home to Shoreview, Minnesota, and let Jon Tester keep on doing the U S Senate job.

Flathead Beacon: Rainmaker
May 15, 2024
Mike Jopek

  • Political newcomer Tim Sheehy reportedly spent $1.6 million of his money seeking to oust dirt farmer and U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, whose family has worked the same Montana land for 100 years.

  • Sheehy was handpicked by Gianforte and U.S. Sen. Steve Daines. If the two running for election win, it will make three millionaires from Bozeman representing working Montanans.

  • Nowadays in Montana, politicians fly in private jets. Kneeling in the dirt, I wondered how much private jets costs. 

Bitterroot Star: A Shady Campaign Strategy
May 14, 2024 
Wayne Adair

  • Let us not forget Sheehy’s claim that Tester voted against authorizing the Keystone XL Pipeline [...] But Tester has been a vocal supporter of the project since its proposal in 2008. Upon its cancellation, Tester wrote, “I am bitterly disappointed to learn that construction of the Keystone XL pipeline will no longer be moving forward. I supported this project for years because of the good-paying jobs and tax revenue it would have created…” 

  • Sheehy’s exaggeration, deception and misinformation go on and on. But I think I have made my point.

  • The Republican Senate candidate must think Montana voters are stupid, gullible or both. Obviously, he would have us believe a 2012 bullet wound in his arm and a 2015 hiking injury would look the same.

  • They would not.

Bozeman Daily Chronicle: Tim Sheehy can't even lie consistently
May 14, 2024
Dulaney Collins

  • A recent Washington Post article about Timothy Sheehy, candidate for Montana's U.S. Senate seat tells a winding story about injuries incurred in the military. It relies on quotes from Sheehy, his campaign and his book. It’s hard to follow with all the contradictions and reversals in Tim Sheehy’s accounts.

  • It starts with Sheehy admitting he lied to a Glacier Park ranger about a gunshot wound he says was accidentally self-inflicted.

  • Later he lies about a bullet still in his right arm from action in Afghanistan to avoid triggering an investigation.

  • Sheehy says at various times he was hit by bullets many times. He goes on to say he was hit by bullets three times, two of those only hit his body armor and his radio.

  • Further, Sheehy says he received shrapnel in his head and leg and the item in his arm was from shrapnel rather than a bullet.

  • Sheey's endless varieties on the truth and the many contradictions suggest Sheehy is lying about his stories just as he admitted to lying to the Park Ranger.

  • The changes and reversals in Sheehy’s comments indicate he can’t even lie consistently.

  • Montanans respect that he served. What I, and I believe most Montanans don’t respect is someone blatantly lying about the facts.

  • For years [Jon Tester’s] fought consistently and effectively for Montanans, particularly Veterans.

  • Jon Tester has also fought hard for ranchers, farmers, the elderly, women, and protecting our public lands.

  • Senator Tester keeps "getting it done" for Montanas with integrity, while upholding Montana values.

Daily Inter Lake: Playground for the rich
May 13, 2024 
Jim Driscoll

  • Transplant Tim Sheehy’s support for a public land transfer shows that for as much as he wants to pretend he understands the issues facing Montana, he only represents the ultra-rich multimillionaires who move here looking to snatch up land and cut off access to the public. And worse, he now thinks he can hide his position from Montanans.

  • A land transfer would mean putting our public lands in the hands of entities who either don’t have the funding to hold onto them or who actively want to sell them off, which would severely damage what makes Montana the Last Best Place. This shows how deeply out of touch he is on issues important to Montanans.

  • Now, Tim Sheehy is trying to hide his support for that toxic position. He’s tried to reverse course, claiming that he doesn’t actually support transferring public lands, a backpedal that can only mean he suddenly found out how unpopular this is with actual Montanans. He’s shown true colors that aren’t compatible with Montana values and this is why we can’t let rich out-of-staters represent us.



NEW: “Tim Sheehy Hit with Lawsuit for Allegedly Defrauding Former Employees of Millions”


BREAKING: Sheehy “Tells Different Story of Navy Discharge Than His Book Does”